
  • Genre:
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Title Artist Time


  • I dare you to not be in a good mood after listening to this album

    By andy9868
    Van Morrison is the absolute BEST. Do yourself a favor and get “Accentuate the Positive” and listen to it from start to finish every single day. You’ll thank me.
  • C.Marcus

    By JB SUBS
    Van is all of what defines music. Lyrics, vocals and instruments. He combines all the elements of GREAT music. He's in rare company, very few have had these kinds of talents. If Stranded on an island all I would need is Van to listen to. "Van The Man", there is no equal!!
  • Really Special!

    By Electric Skydog
    His ability to give songs a unique style and so intriguing to listen to shows his musical genius. He is truly one of the all time greats!!
  • Some nice versions...

    By still BB
    ... but these songs would come across much better in a live setting, with the audience responding to songs outside of Van's typical setlist.
  • So good!!!

    By Burl1969
    Van is unstoppable. He is music. In his golden years he is producing greater music than anything anyone else is doing and its not even close. What an incredibly talented man. Cannot wait to hear the entire album!!!
  • ????

    By Seattlebicycler
    Who on earth doesn’t love Van Morrison!?