Pure nostalgia.
By 333333333333333333336333333
The very first time I ever listened to the song "Porcelain" was from a YouTube video titled "The Waltz of Epic Shall Forever Draw Us To Stupidity's Nirvana," where at 2:12 of the video (it's a bizarre meme video by the way) shows a man licking a lollipop with the song playing in the background. I was a kid back then when I first heard the song while watching some random videos on YouTube. This song, along with many songs in the album, is pure nostalgia.
Pitchfork Gave This A 5.0
By who cares?????????????????????
I'll give it a 5, too, altho Pitchfork's rating is out of ten. I rely on them, altho a thick streak of hatred runs thru that outfit. It seems rather generally accepted Play is a brilliant release, but I wonder what rating it might have received if Moby intentionally destroyed these rather lovely vignettes? I'd wager a 7.2. So there, got the formula down pat. Seriously, Rushing is playing right now as I type--how vicious can a person be???
By J Dawg 🐶
I had no idea there even was a version of South Side without Gwen Stefani. It’s terrible. Not at all the same. Way to remove literally the only good thing about this wack a** album. Nobody listens to techno! 👎🏼👎🏼👎🏼
By Pilotjm789
I've never been much of a fan of electronic music but this album is just amazing. My mom used to play it in the car when I was a little kid, then I didn't hear it for a solid 20 years until rediscovering it recently and my god it holds up. Porcelain is one of my favorite songs of all time. Too bad Moby is a deplorable human being.
By Trust and Us
By TranceNation2K
This Is Music For The Soul....
By Squak Squak
I don’t believe you played this at your “21 yEaR oLd SonS fUnErAl” You would be bursting into tears but NO! You are being a disrespectful mother and saying that your “sOn” died like it’s no big deal!!! WHAT THE HECK IS WRONG WITH YOU!?!?
Awesome soundtrack btw
Summer is the best
By Blink:67
Also, spirit, nice moody 🎶 music. Glad I gave it a listen. Beautiful and timeless.
By Demonda77
My ringtone
By yinyogagirl
Great album!! Love to use it in my yoga classes