London symphony
By Applebill50
only need to say a few words absolutely beautiful performance 1960 oh they could play so perfect and beautiful beautiful
Symphony No. 2
By 34图
Good symphony,I really get extremely mad when I hear the 1st , 2nd,and 4th movements. Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! But I like the 3rd movement,it is an example of the Fate Motif in the Fifth Symphony, I used in my 4th symphony in E.
By Trust and Us
Perfect except...
By BB$5
The 4th movement of symphony 9 has an offensive beginning. It is unbearable. It starts extremely sharp for the first note and changes to the correct tuning a few notes later. It ruins the entire piece. I almost want a refund for that second of music alone.
Missing Tracks?
By solidtary refinement
Just purchased this album. Tracks 27 and 29 did not download! Apple what gives? Amended review: figured out how to download tracks 27 and 29 the round about way. I am not an expert on music quality but my needs are simple so having Beethoven’s complete symphonies on my iPhone is just what I needed. So, this recording is just fine.
Pure Trash
By Gellio_SFO
Krisps had no incite into Beethoven’s movements. Too slow, too lifeless, lacking any drama. If you make the 5th Symphony boring you are a poor conductor. Look elsewhere. This set is a dud.
Love it
By Sdrawckab
Seriously, how many recordings of this quality can you find dating back to 1960?
Low Quality
By 3ddy3
There is some distortion, go for the “Mastered for iTunes” one.
♦️Magnificent Collection ♦️
By Stupidmeiguess
Many years ago I had the vinyl 33-1/3 collection & same conductor, Krips. I've listened to the symphonies on my SOLO Sound System. I'm hearing crisp notes and the full range of exquisite audio separation. It's a great, wonderful collection from iTunes at a most affordable $$ cost. 🎶 BRAVO 👏
June 22, 2017 UPDATE: I'm experiencing "distorted & garbled" playback Symphony 8 F Major starting at 1:50 and thereafter. How do I contact iTunes to get a refund? Thanks 👏
A grand set of the 9
By ePubonOS/x
These recordings sound superb! I had a few of the original LPs and these recordings sound as good to as the older vinyl records. I previewed the single symphony releases that were Mastered for iTunes and this collection of 9 symphonies sound too close to separate for me. This is a great deal on great music by a superb conductor with a great orchestra! Compare the quality of the recording here to Karajan’s 9 also on iTunes.