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Title Artist Time


  • London symphony

    By Applebill50
    only need to say a few words absolutely beautiful performance 1960 oh they could play so perfect and beautiful beautiful
  • Symphony No. 2

    By 34图
    Good symphony,I really get extremely mad when I hear the 1st , 2nd,and 4th movements. Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! But I like the 3rd movement,it is an example of the Fate Motif in the Fifth Symphony, I used in my 4th symphony in E.
  • ❤️

    By Trust and Us
  • Perfect except...

    By BB$5
    The 4th movement of symphony 9 has an offensive beginning. It is unbearable. It starts extremely sharp for the first note and changes to the correct tuning a few notes later. It ruins the entire piece. I almost want a refund for that second of music alone.
  • Missing Tracks?

    By solidtary refinement
    Just purchased this album. Tracks 27 and 29 did not download! Apple what gives? Amended review: figured out how to download tracks 27 and 29 the round about way. I am not an expert on music quality but my needs are simple so having Beethoven’s complete symphonies on my iPhone is just what I needed. So, this recording is just fine.
  • Pure Trash

    By Gellio_SFO
    Krisps had no incite into Beethoven’s movements. Too slow, too lifeless, lacking any drama. If you make the 5th Symphony boring you are a poor conductor. Look elsewhere. This set is a dud.
  • Love it

    By Sdrawckab
    Seriously, how many recordings of this quality can you find dating back to 1960?
  • Low Quality

    By 3ddy3
    There is some distortion, go for the “Mastered for iTunes” one.
  • ♦️Magnificent Collection ♦️

    By Stupidmeiguess
    Many years ago I had the vinyl 33-1/3 collection & same conductor, Krips. I've listened to the symphonies on my SOLO Sound System. I'm hearing crisp notes and the full range of exquisite audio separation. It's a great, wonderful collection from iTunes at a most affordable $$ cost. 🎶 BRAVO 👏 June 22, 2017 UPDATE: I'm experiencing "distorted & garbled" playback Symphony 8 F Major starting at 1:50 and thereafter. How do I contact iTunes to get a refund? Thanks 👏
  • A grand set of the 9

    By ePubonOS/x
    These recordings sound superb! I had a few of the original LPs and these recordings sound as good to as the older vinyl records. I previewed the single symphony releases that were Mastered for iTunes and this collection of 9 symphonies sound too close to separate for me. This is a great deal on great music by a superb conductor with a great orchestra! Compare the quality of the recording here to Karajan’s 9 also on iTunes.