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Title Artist Time


  • It's okay

    By stan_1978
    When you compare it to the bands prior output it comes off as mediocre at best. The Whale Song is by far the best song on here. I know it's just an EP but, if you stack it up to Interstate 8, Everywhere/Night on the sun, and Fruit that ate itself, it comes in dead last for me. If you're looking for something of there's that's worth a listen then check out the night on the sun or lonesome crowded west. Both works of sheer genius.
  • Old modest mouse

    By itsmissy
    Nothing can top that.
  • Why you no work on my itouch 5g?

    By CreateSurname
    It's not downloading to my iTunes correctly and I can only listen to it when I am connected to wifi. Very frustrating, but I liked the last song. Solely based on the last song I give it a 4/5.
  • What happened

    By DipSkip
    What happened to the old modest mouse
  • Yes!

    By Quinn For The Win
    Satellite Skin and King Rat are both amazing songs!
  • Modest Masterpiece

    By spngefan
    Satellite Skin 9/10 -Love this song. Well, written as alwalys. Happy f**king congradulations Isaac. Guilty Cocker Spaniels 10/10 -One of my all-time favorite songs. Can't get enough of it. My favorite part is the beginning. Autumn Beds 8.5/10 -A good contrast to the rest of the songs on this album. Makes me feel happy at the end. The Whale Song 10/10 -Another favorite. Love all the guitar in it and adore the vocals near the end. Perpetual Motion Machine-8.5/10 -The horn is interesting. Sounds like a crossbreed of oldes and Modest Mouse. History Sticks To Your Feet 9.5/10 -It's not the first song that comes to mind when I think of this album but I can't help coming back this song because of it's lyrics and awesome guitar. King Rat 10/10 -Can Modest Mouse pull off a bango? the answer is simple- yes. I've Got It All (Most) 9/10 -Love the title and love the song's meaning. Another great product from an amazing band. When it comes down to it- If it's Modest Mouse, it's good.
  • Finally

    By AchalaJON
    Finally. Finally, a band that doesn't just sing about heartbreak and love.
  • Awesome, classic MM

    By AMediocreTime
    They've done it again, add this album and their discography to your iTunes!
  • Excellent

    By Saphiea
    This album is great. I freaking laughed at some comments, "rat king" Really? Nice. Regardless, The Whale Song is amazing, Guilty Cocker Spaniels is incredible, King Rat is genius, and I've Got It All(most) captures the sarcastic humor found in many MM albums. Great buy.
  • Modest Mouse has yet to put out a good album in over 10 years

    By Stanhope Deatherage
    This dreadful album failed in all of its eminence to live up to any expectations I might have had left for this once-unique band. Throughout their journey, Modest Mouse has apparently taken a wrong turn and become lost in the abyss of alternative mediocrity. This entire album sounds like something a whiny, self-proclaimed emo kid that shops at Hot Topic would listen to. They have completely deprived their music of the soul and fiestiness that which it once embodied. Shame.