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Title Artist Time


  • Timeless

    By RandyNester
    Of all the albums that came from the early 90’s “grunge” era, Ten reigns as the top of the mark. There is something for every mood, style, emotion and heartache. Listen once and you’ll be drawn in.
  • Ten

    By Eric Machine Gun Kelly
    Pearl Jam really nailed it with their first album, but after that, they put out a lot of mediocre albums. Loyal fan base has kept them going. I always preferred Mother Love Bone.
  • Perfection

    By Pelican33
    Easily one of the most complete rock albums of all time. Timeless and stands the test of time. Top 5 album to come out of the 90’s.
  • Their best!

    By iron maiden3
    Not just their best album but the only album they recorded worth listing to! Start to finish its well wrote from music to lyrics! It’s hard rock with some alternative add! The best album to come from that movement in Seattle!
  • Yeah

    By Corn dog stevens
    I like it
  • best album ever. 🎶✨

    By jeremyd1019
    No one will ever be able to change my opinion, simply for me there is no piece of music more perfect than this entire album. It has saved me a million times… Thanks.
  • Great album

    By Cassmilrya
    Excellent album and a 90’s must have.
  • Apple/Itunes please amend your “popularity” algorithm to “relative popularity”

    By Dinge2000s
    ….Then we can have an honest discussion about this album- that outsold Nevermind btw, and was the most prominent force that ushered in the most cataclysmic shift in rock history, the closest Rock & Roll has ever been to being actually reinvented. Stone & Mike McC absolutely school every guitar god to date on this one album. Vedder’s performance on this album was, and has not been matched by anyone before or since. And they are not even my favorite band.
  • 90’s Best

    By Mongo 2
    One of the best albums of the 1990’s. Possibly the best album of the 90’s. In the top five all time rock albums.
  • Great but one thing…

    By jddjjdjdjdjdjdjddjjdjdjjdjd
    G3Chris1, how dare you talk like that about our lord Eddie Vedder. This guy clearly listens to modern music. (Modern music isn’t as good as classics like this) but how dare he say Eddie is depressed sounding. >:(