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Title Artist Time


  • Classic

    By Floorwood
    Even though I was born several decades after the 70s I still like this music, never fails to lift my mood. And after listening to some of the other Beach Boy’s music this is the be set all in I think, the sound is also pretty good. Again great album, would recommend.
  • The Best Compilation Ever!

    By devengen
    This compilation means the world to me because its was my first exposure to The Beach Boys music (that I can remember). My aunt would play the 8 track cartridge tape on her camper stereo while she, my mom & my cousins drove around. This was about 1974-1975 (not long after the albums release). I just coudn't believe the incredible music coming out of the speakers. I've always loved music but when I heard Endless Summer, I fell in love with music. Not to mention Brian Wilson became my musical hero. My favorite track on this album (of all time, actually) is "The Warmth of the Sun." Its' such an innocent yet profoundly haunting, beautiful song. It makes my heart ache with a bittersweet melancholy memory of my first love. Regarding the track lineup, I'm so glad Capitol included the version of "Help Me, Rhonda"with the false fade. I'm also grateful for Endless Summer's choice of the mix of "Be True To Your School." I absolutely love "Good Vibrations." But I prefer the album as the tracks were originally released. I remember the track lineup from that 8 track cartridge ... which did not include Good Vibrations.
  • This album was a classic when it came out. Now decades later it’s legendary.

    By Jackpeet
    A great collection when it first came out.
  • The very best songs of The Beach Boys!

    By JEDIspartan410
    This is it, the best complication of Beach Boys songs on one album (just needs to be updated with the "Remastered" versions.
  • best album

    By Ashleyissuperawesome
    tbh i love the beach boys and good vibrations is my favorite song. get this album u wont regret it
  • Beach boys

    By Will Alsace
  • Jones Beach

    By johnemr
    Where summer never ends...
  • Still my definition of summer

    By J from Baltimore
    My family didn't have cable TV or a CD player, so my introduction to music came from oldies stations and yard sale items. Endless Summer was one of my first 8-tracks (purchased circa 1991?). I quickly became attached to it and remember listening to it in a church basement with day camp circa 1993. We had just finished making tie-dyed t-shirts and I remember the music and the smell of the dye. These are the memories you cling to as time goes by.
  • I bought the 8-track way back when

    By steelersteve13
    At the time, the only thing that I didn't like about it was that Good Vibrations was not on there. This version corrects that, putting it at the end. Closing out an already excellent greatest hits album.
  • Must have album

    By Nalusurf
    This was the first album my dad bought me back in the 70's. I will never forget listening to it on single cassette Ayer he bought me as well. I am going to pass it on to my kids and hope they enjoy it as much as I have. Good music, God memories, timeless sound whether you surf or not!