LOVE IT!!!!!!!
By jobaby3399
Best of the best!!!
Who doesn’t love the Idol?!
By Toast Jerviss
This is great collection of great songs…
I love the Idol!
By luke kingsbury
I’m twelve too and like eighties music.My great grandpa was actually a famous 40-50s
Singer(Kenny Roberts).Anyways billy idol is amazing,especially the songs rebel yell and white Wedding
The 1980's
By Phishphantom
Woulda never been the same without the music of great like Billy Idol!
Billy Idol!!!!!!!!!!!!! Forever
By JourneyFan_8497
I know you don’t get a lot like me but Im a 12yr old who likes 80’s and even 60s music. Billy idol is one of my top favorite singers ever. Rebel yell is one of my favorites followed by Eyes without a face. I can just hear myself singing ‘ I’m on a bus on a psychedelic, reading murder books tryin’ to stay hip’. With Steven Stevens guitar and his such recognizable voice at a great timing there is no way you can not like this punk dude. I know most people relax by putting calm music on and breathing, but I put billy on full volume and walk. Truly an idol for anyone! 🎤
Whiplash Smile
By dirkdiggler
Where is the album Whiplash Smile?????
By Trust and Us
By dreams and nightmares
Love Billy mucho! He’s like no other! He’s one of the greatest! Love all his songs and style is his own!
Outstanding music
By texas chainsaw addict
Absolutely amazing I love billy idol he rocks
Ok but too many covers
By Salukispeed
OK it’s Billy Idol. However you cant have a greatest hits album when you’re doing covers of other famous artists work. It should be comprised of his own original music.