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  • Video Length: 0:00

Music Video


  • Riley B with a guitar player's video.

    By Jamaica Blue
    In this video, we are treated to BB King's guitar riffs on one of his classics. It has to be noted: Mr Riley B King is now in his 80's at this writing. 82, in fact. What stands out in the video from the 1970's, is how astonishingly youthful he appears in this video, though his vibrancy is the much the same today. He is generally noted as a singer with a very recognizable guitar sound all his own in the bass register. This video shows he can smoke that guitar. I personally feel I could have edited the video a little better, given that there are a lot of close-ups which have too much movement for so tight a shot & there are a dearth of medium shots. However as a guitar player: the fretwork close-ups are to die for anyway. It gives a great feel for how BB works that guitar and after all, that's what we want. Feel the sweat ourselves as the notes sing out. Enough so that I bought the video!
  • The best film of BB

    By A BB Fan.
    This video captures the expressiveness of BB King during a great performance of Sweet Sixteen. I have never seen a video of a performer that captures the power of every lyrical and musical phrase as this video does.