Cornball Musak That You've Heard Over and Over Again.
By Jovanni NYC
ANOTHER dim bulb 'rapper' carrying on the unfortunate 'tradition' of using ridiculously DUMB nick-names, like 'YOUNG CHIMNEY' to represent themselves. When are these buffoons going to just be YOUNG MEN and act accordingly? Typical rubbish 'Hippety; Hop; that the musak industry puts out to indoctrinate the brain dead masses of today, in the Divided States, who WILLINGLY eat this up by the shovel full. No talent, no imagination, same ol' recycled beats you've heard on the last 20 'New Thing' rap 'artists' pushed out to communities of colour too daft to relaize that they are being PROGRAMMED to accept this mediocrity as part of their 'culture' and way of life. Dumb till the end I guess. (Sigh) Oh well
Do your brain a much needed favour and SKIP THIS ^^ rubbish and, instead, have a go at some vintage Public Enemy or KRS-ONE, or ANY album from Rage Against The Machine and actually LEARN SOMETHING whilst being blown away by actual talent and flo-etry. Carry on loves.