NOT Ozma
By MozMan68
Pure crap....bought by accident when I became an Ozma-holic. Imagine ebing trapped in Hell and all they will let you listen to is cheesy spcey synthesizer effects. Being deleted not only from my library but from my computer as a matter of fact, I may have to burn my speakers for ever playing this crap.
don't get excited
By xxcheesexpuffxx
I saw this and got all excited, thought apple used their magic to get the 4th album early. but alas. definately not the real ozma.
NOT Ozma
By Andy
This album is by The Melvins.
Please fix.
Tought this was the band weezer put in their playlist, but I don't think this is the same at all.
By Ericamp19
Just a bunch of Noise no songs or words.