Good Point
By V is no good
Generally, I don't really like her music, but this song is AWSOME and has a REALLY good point! WAY to many girls think looks are everything. Go P!ink!
sickest song everrr!
By Nelly(:
ahhh;;this song says it all. thanks for preaching this, pink! hahaa. lets get out there, girrlsss(:
Good message
By Ryan972
P!nk is a really good artist. Her videos are always entertaining, but some have a point. When P!nk got into music, she could've been one of those girls she despises. But she didn't, and it turned out okay. This is a reallly good video. I'd give it a 4.65(round to 5). Keep up the good work, P!nk!
By MJAnderson2617
this video is funny
By Mak&cheez
funny and so true!
so right
By sportzchick703
this vid proves that girls are act all stupid and dumb get no where. Pink deffintly is proving something. this vid is also lol funny
P!nk for President!
By Jeffaplus
This is probably one of my favorite music videos ever. Really, what's not to like? Great message, catchy lyrics, and hilarious visuals all in one. I'll definitely be encouraging my sister and girls like her to be taking their cues from P!nk, rather than from Lindsay or Paris. Entirely worth the buy. Plus, with the high-quality you get more of the visual jokes (such as the printing on P!nk's underwear) than you would if you watched the video on YouTube or other such sites.
It is a bit strange that they labeled the video as explicit when the actual song lyrics have been cleaned up (the "f" word and the word "s**k" have either been replaced with a "Woo!" or removed altogether), but I can see why they did it: this isn't something that the little girl in the video should be watching. There are some very sexually suggestive scenes that are also hilarious in how over-the-top they are. P!nk always makes her point, and she isn't afraid to shock some people in order to do so.
Overall, an awesome video that's definitely worth five stars. I'd give it six if I could.
This shows you girlygirls
By Florida<3
This video so proves that looks aren't everything and brains are great too! hit yes if you agree
thank you!!
By musicismything64
This song is so true!! go p!nk!!
Woo! Hehe...
By beannnnnnnn
This is such a funny video! P!nk really played Hilary Duff well...