Can't Remember to Forget You (feat. Rihanna)


  • Genre: Pop
  • Release Date: 2014-01-30
  • Explicitness: notExplicit
  • Country: USA
  • Video Length: 3:27

Music Video


  • Sexy

    By T'alla
    Twerk plz
  • My jaw dropped...

    By blackpeoplemeet
    To the floor when I first seen this video. This is the sexiest music video of all time, by far. Seeing Rihanna caress Shikira's body was devine!
  • omg

    By Crazyforcolbiecailliat
    Shakira is so pretty
  • Boring

    By Rebecca Account
    The song is good but this video is lame. This has been done 1M times over and over in videos....singer struts around in skimpy outfits, blah, blah, blah. No creativity. Sole purpose of video is to make singer look sexy...but no message, no story, nothing. Boring.
  • disappointing

    By crazymusiclover222
    Great song…beautiful voices….ruined by an oversexed video
  • HELP

    By Birmingham, AL
    The ending is cut short on this video and I need to know how to download it again to get the full video
  • Sexy but disappointed

    By buny2shoes
    The song is great, Shakira and Rihanna are beautiful! It felt like they were trying to re-create Beautiful Liar and it didn't work.
  • Sorry

    By Lightningkitty🐱⚡
    Sorry Shakira, but you... um... disturbed me this time. Your still my idol though. And your still amazing. 😊 Just... start getting tamer, so when your kid is an adult they won't feel weird about their mom when they look up Shakira on iTunes. A bit of advise.
  • Can’t Remember to for get you

    By Jackie Ferrell
    The Lesbian thing is getting old, come up with something new, can’t this generation come up with something new, at least we had something to say to the world... all this generation has is porn and tattoos… woman, their whole existence is to see what part of their bodies their going to make look sexy next. I think all they have left is anal as the part to be sexy, it’s in every porn now, it’s not sexy or nasty... it’s gross. Have you ever seen a woman event something to benefit mankind to make life easier... besides whiteout!!!

    By MaddyMer
    This vid is good. My only concern is Rihanna clutching on 2 Shakira's back while naked. Other than that, tho avid is amazing and sexy. Great job lady's!!

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