Why I found the Subtract trailer exhausting?
By PiratePrincess21
The Subtract trailer was so exhausting that it was beginning to put me to sleep just observing it on iTunes Store.
By OrangePeelNeilNeil
Who in gods name is listening to this person. He is awful
22 seconds??
By sjbill
Who’s paying 2$ for a 22 second promotional clip?? (I’m only commenting because this is somehow the top selling music video on ITunes)
Subtract Trailer
By Tunes Video
The reason that I rated it as a 1 Star hating it is due to the fact that I recently purchased a new Dell Inspiron 16 laptop and when I attempt to view any video previews a white box appears which I believe is the player, but nothing opens or plays. I took my new laptop to have it checked to see if it was something that I was lacking or hardware replacement which proved to be negative and Tech suggested that it was on the provider (ITunes Store) side for issues. I have been unsuccessful in attempting to contact or find any research knowledge to try to resolve or give me answers. I am sure that this will fall on deaf ears but I needed a forum to vent.